Dist Link in moto911 http://www.procyclesafety.com/pcs_store/index.php?act=viewDoc&docId=7&ccUser=
MOTO911 es un analgesico 100% Natural Spray , MOTO911 combina beneficios terapeuticos, mezclando naturales aceites , creando una accion eficaz y rapida, es el mas efectivo en el mercado contra calambres musculares en las Muñecas(ARM PUMP)
Try some today.
A little goes a long way.

Esta es una lista de Pilotos que usan MOTO911
Mike Alesi, Jeff Alessi, Donnie Hansen David Vuillemin , Grant Langston ,Tyler Evans, Rodrig Thain, Butler Brothers, Bret Metcalfe, Ryan Sipes, Jesse Casillas, Marco Dube, Teddy Mair , Sean T. Collier, Daton Beavers, Sara Whitmore, Tara Gieger, Jessica Paterson. Welcome to the P.C.S. family Justin Barcia and Jesse Nelson , and welcoming back Rick James. The DIRT RIDER Magazine say was the best product in 2007

El producto deberia usarse directo donde el dolor esta y extender unos 10, 15 centimetros alrededor No asustarse en colocar mucho del producto, dejarlo asenterse esperar unos 10 minutos y spray otra vez . Para cuando hay mucho dolor poner el producto esperar unos 10 minutos y poner otra vez y envolver el lugar aplicado con plastico, para areas donde no puede usar usar una parte de plastico puede ser una bolsita de plastico llena de arena estaria bien dejar la bolsa o el plastico unos 10 a 20 minutos. para calambres en los brazos pasar el spray desde unos 5 centimetros adelante del codo , esperar unos minutos y pasar el spray otra vez y envolver en plastico. remover el plastico despues de unos 10 o 20 minutos, ESTO SE DEBERIA HACER UNOS 30 MINUTOS ANTES DE UNA CARRERA O ANTES DE SUBIR A LA MOTO.

MOTO 911 Delievers the Benifits of MSM, Arnica, Boswella and Ilex in a 100% natural pain relief spray.
ARNICA: *Arnica has been PROVEN effective in reducing bruising, swelling, edema, hematoma, contusions, and is being used to treat muscle strains and sprains and a variety of joint problems. Research studies completed in 2002, at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center, used an Arnica preparation to reduce bruising after surgery. The preparation reduced bruising by as much as 41% which dramatically shortened recovery time! Patients have reported faster recovery after orthopedic surgery including (hip and knee replacement), as well as other categories of general surgery.
BOSWELLA: *Boswellic acids have anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic action in acute and chronic models of inflammation. Boswella inhibits inflammation by blocking the synthesis of leukotrienes. Boswella reduces joint and muscle tissue swelling, increasing mobility, thereby effectively reducing pain.
ILEX: * Paraguaiensis is an herbal extract from the South American holly shrub. ILEX is used in herbal preparations around the world. ILEX is traditionally known for its ability to help reduce pain, swelling and loosen stiff joints.
MENTHOL: *Menthol (a plant extract) is classified as a pain reliever, and is used to treat muscle sprains and strains, arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, painful joints, back & neck pain, sore and stiff muscles, cramps & bruises.
MSM: *MSM is a naturally occurring essential nutrient found in healthy tissue and joints. Dr. Stanley Jacob, Department of Surgery at the University of Oregon Medical School, after clinical trials, reported that: “MSM has a wide range of pharmacologic actions including membrane penetration, anti-inflammation and local analgesia.”
aqui este link te lleva a un archivo que una revista conocida DIRT RIDER catalogo como mejor prodcto en 2007
las botellas son de 1 onza y 4 onzas el precio para la venta cada una aqui en USA es l de 1 onza es $ 7 dolares y para la de 4 onzas es de $ 20.00 PARA VENDER
Para Mas Informacion o compra
Carlos Galaretto
Email: moto911uruguay@live.com
MOTO911 / UNIT ....... 1oz ...... $ 6.50
MOTO911 / BOX(16)... 1oz...... $ 95.99 ($6.00 each)
MOTO911 / UNIT.........4oz.........$ 16.99
MOTO911 / BOX (12)...4oz.........$ 179.99 ($15.00 each)
3 comentarios:
Para comprar
These points to an interesting article in findrxonline where they talk about this subject it is necessary to inform the community.
It is ultimately the patient's responsibility to use narcotics responsibly.
A few years ago, narcotics were only prescribed after surgery, severe trauma, or for terminal cancer because of a concern over the possibility of addiction. Recently, they have been cautiously prescribed to treat moderate to severe non-malignant chronic pain in conjunction with other modalities such as physical therapy, cortisone and trigger point injections, muscle stretching, meditation, or aqua therapy. Unfortunately, the upsurge of narcotics as medical treatment also increased associated cases of abuse and addiction.
Derived from either opium (made from poppy plants) or similar synthetic compounds, narcotics not only block pain signals and reduce pain, but they affect other neurotransmitters, which can cause addiction. When taken for short periods, only minor side effects such as nausea, constipation, sedation and unclear thinking are noted.
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